This is a project that has been on mind for quite a while and it is time to get it started. The purpose of this post is to gather in one place all the longevity records regarding sea turtles worldwide. By longevity records here I mean long time spans for which people have information for specific individuals. This can be for instance:
Reproductive longevity: maximum (conservative estimate of the) number of years that a specific sea turtle has been known to reproduce. Typically this concerns female sea turtles.
Longevity regarding presence in foraging grounds: this will typically be a result of capture-mark-recapture projects.
Absolute longevity: Actual age of an individual sea turtle (or an estimate of this).
This will be a dynamic post, that is, it will be continuously updated as new information or new records come to my attention. After all, as time goes by, it is expected that researchers and conservationists will record larger and larger time spans for different sea turtle life stages.
Quick navigation:
Big Bertha, the world record holder
An Australian flatback with 41 years of reproductive longevity
A Hawaiian green sea turtle with 38 years of reproductive longevity
Two Greek loggerheads with 33 years of reproductive longevity
A loggerhead and a green sea turtle from Cyprus with at least 25 and 24 years of reproductive longevity
A Brazilian loggerhead with 32 years of reproductive longevity
A captive green sea turtle of at least 70 years of age
More than 27 years of residency in foraging grounds for Australian turtles
A capture-mark-recapture period of 31 years for a loggerhead in southeast United states
Visit website at: https://seaturtlesallthewaydown.wordpress.com/2021/01/22/longevity-records-in-sea-turtles/?fbclid=IwAR0zmbqy97rokuqwZwuaZAEM2167j5ostiIDFUTryiZkUjWZoDqPXSat7Dw